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Frequently Asked Questions
Are helmets required?Absolutley yes, without any exception. Not only do helmets make sense from a safety standpoint, they are also required by our permit issuer and insurance provider.
Are lights required?All of our rides will take place during full daylight hours. Lights are not required for this event, but they are recommended. Using a forward facing white light and a rear facing red light help others see you when you're out riding.
What types of tools/supplies/food/drink should I bring on my ride?Each person's gear for a ride could very wel be completely different from others. Some tool and supply suggestions include: spare tube, tube and tire patch kits, tire levers, bike multi-tool, CO2 inflator and cartridges, tire pump, and a presta/schrader adapter. It's always wise to carry a little bit of cash with you, as well as an ID. (RoadID makes a great product!) As for food and drink, there will be SAG stops along the way that will have a variety of snacks and drinks to help you refuel and get back on the road. You may wish to supplement these SAG stops with your own food or gels if you wish.
What kind of bikes are okay to use in this ride?Any kind! At events past, we've had everything from road, mountain, commuter/townie, fixie/single speed, BMX, tandem, recumbent, electric, and low rider. All bikes are welcome!
What kind of roadways will I be riding on?All of our routes have been selected to be on pavement of some form or another. This could be asphalt or concrete. Please note that some of these paved areas may have some loose gravel, dirt, or mud. We will make every effort to have the routes swept just before the day of the event.
What physical condition do I need to be in to ride this ride?By offering a wide range of distances, we hope that enocurages more people to come out and ride with us. We have routes that small children could participate in (with a parent or legal guardian, of course), all the way up to the most seasoned 22 mile-per-hour rider. We want to stress that this ride is all inclusive. We welcome riders from across the spectrum!
Will the routes be marked clearly?All of our routes are assigned a color code. You will receive a color-coordinated wrist bracelet based on the route you are riding. As you leave the start line, you will notice colored paper arrows attached to the pavement. To stay on your route, simply follow the colored arrow set that matches your bracelet. At some locations, we may need to set an above-ground sign pointing the way. At other locations, we may have flaggers directing the route for you. Finally, you'll be able to grab a small route map and cue sheet at the start line for your route. You will also be given a mobile number to call if you find yourself lost.
Will the routes be closed to traffic?The routes are not closed to traffic. Event organizers will be taking great care in placing as many warning signs as necessary to alert traffic that there is a cycling event in progress. Police presence may be used in the more congested areas.
What will happen to the event in case of a health emergency, such as the COVID pandemic?We have dedicated staff following the most current federal, state, county, and local health orders to ensure we remain compliant. For the time being, we are planning on operating as usual. Should we find that a more stringent program apply, we will escalate our plans to reflect the safer standard. Regardless of the presence or lack of health orders in effect, we will be automaticlly taking certain precautions. We will have plenty of hand washing stations, sanitizer, restroom facilties, and prepackaged food at all SAG stops. Equally as important, we will keep you, the rider, well informed along the way.
What will be at the start and finish line at Butterfield Park?We will have Burritos and Coffee available from one of our vendors. The Town of Wellton is graciously working with us to develop this ride into a community event. We hope to have a good turnout of spectators, health resources, food, and music!
Where is parking for the event?There is plenty of parking at the event. There will be no fee for parking.
What are the event rules?1. All riders must wear CPSC-approved helmet; 2. All riders must not cross a solid yellow line, whether double, or single on their side of the road (a no-passing zone); 3. All riders must show and practice good sportsmanship. Un-sportsmanlike conduct of any kind is prohibited; 4. All riders must obey Police, Bike Patrol or other Event Officials; 5. No rider may urinate in public (yes, this happens, and yes this is a criminal offense); 6. No rider may draft, hold onto, or catch a ride in any motorized vehicle; 7. All riders must stay behind, and not pass, the lead vehicle (if so provided); 8. All riders must wear their rider numbers, which must be easily visible; 9. Headsets covering or blocking both ears are prohibited, i.e., iPods/MP3 players and other such devices; 10. Team tactics that endanger, or impede the progress of, any other cyclists, such as blocking, are prohibited; 11. All riders must show courteous behavior to Volunteers, Event Officials, and Police, and obey their instructions; 12. All riders must obey traffic control officers & personnel, and traffic control devices & signs, unless otherwise directed by an Official; 13. All riders must read and know Arizona State bicycle laws, and must yield to emergency vehicles at all times, even if the road is closed; 14. All riders must give the right of way to other road users, including bicycles and motor vehicles, when legally required to; 15. All riders must stay to the right of cones set up at intersections, unless directed otherwise by Police or Event Official(s); 16. All riders must bicycle single file, when possible, unless the road is closed to motor vehicle traffic (any road closures will be announced on Event day), or a police escort is provided; 17. All riders must verbally warn others when they overtake them call out “Passing”, “your left”, or “on your Left” (the simpler, the better); 18. All riders who drop out of the event must notify an Event Official, by informing an Aid Station Director, or calling the Event Hotline phone number. Be sure to give your rider number;
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